I have been struggling for some time with a lack of peace. For me as a Christian, peace has been one of the best perks of being a Believer. I’ve had it in some very difficult situations like my husband telling me he was going to leave me (he didn’t), my daughter telling me she was moving in with her boyfriend’s family (she did) and watching my father take his last breath. But I’ve grappled of late with balancing rest and work and have not been peaceful.
Some time ago in my frustration I screamed at God, “What do you want from me?” I did not expect an immediate response but I got one. Inside my head I clearly thought/heard “Micah 6:8.”
God has responded to me many times with a Scripture reference so I immediately looked in my Bible to see what it says there. … “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly before your God.” That was definitely as answer from on high!
Well, I try to act justly and I do love mercy but humility is so very hard for me. I have struggled with pride most of my life. How does a person balance self-sufficiency with being dependent on God? This morning I did some extra investigation into this passage and found that Israel wanted to offer a sacrifice to please God but that’s not what God wanted. He wanted them to live Micah 6:8.