I am only truly happy when Jesus is reigning in me so why do I sometimes still resist his rule in my life?
By Jill Krueger Wagner
King Jesus reign over me
I submit to your rule in my life
Even when I fight against you
I know that “resistance is futile” and
It’s not what I truly want
But although “the spirit is willing,
The flesh is weak”
Sovereign Lord reign in me
I desire to do your will but
I’m “prone to wonder, prone to leave the God I love”
“What I want to do I do not do,
But what I hate I do”
“I have the desire to do what is good
But I cannot carry it out”
I am wretched, rescue me
Almighty One reign through me
“Make me a vessel of your peace”
Fill me so with Your Spirit that
You overflow to those around me
Let me be a living stone building your kingdom
In this fallen world let me be a light
Leading others to “the true light that gives
Light to everyone”
Reign over me, in me and through me
I know that your love pursues me
Reign in the morning, afternoon and night
At all times in my life
Your reign brings peace in the kingdom of my heart
Teach me how to remain in you and never depart