If you want to enjoy Christmas either start earlier or do
less. Ask yourself what do you really want Christmas to look like at your house
– and I’m not talking decorations. Get out a 3x5 card and write down your goals
– here is a sample of possible goals:
To be done with shopping by Dec. 10
To spread the true message of Christmas
To help those around me enjoy the holidays
To maintain a Christ like spirit
Then get a three ring binder and stick that card in the
very front. Analyze everything you could do by whether or not you will reach
your goals by doing those things.
Your binder will contain your gift list (except for your
children still at home). If you give to the same people every year consider
making multiple copies of the list to use year after year. Also include your Christmas
card list if you do that and possible gift suggestions that you collect for
individuals. ANYTHING that you need to do for Christmas should be in the binder
– having a central location will help you be organized and minimize stress. Perhaps
you could include recipes you use every year.
Ask your kids what their favorite part of Christmas is.
We sometimes do things that we don’t need to that stress us out and they don’t
really care about. What they really want is to spend time with the family.
Oh – for the kids – buy some large file cards and write
down the gifts you’re buying to them and keep it away from them.
Throughout the years I’ve collected lots of ideas from
friends about how they organize and stay on budget. Here is a sample:
As soon as the kids go back to school start
buying extra flour, sugar, spices, anything you’ll need for baking so the cost
doesn’t come all at once
Start doubling your meals in the fall and
freezing half so all you need to do in December is defrost and bake
Consider teaming up with a friend to share
childcare so you can shop – you watch her kids while she shops – she watches
yours when you shop
If you have few traditions ask your friends what
their meaningful ones are
If you really want to take the kids somewhere
special put it on the calendar now and make arrangements.
Make shopping a team effort with you and your
hubby – agree on a budget and stick to it
Consider asking family and friends if they would
like to do a gift exchange – they might balk at first but warm up to the idea –
we love it – less cost and effort
Wrap the gifts as soon as you get them
So that is a Reader’s Digest version of tips for enjoying
the holidays. What are YOUR suggestions?