Sunday, December 11, 2022

My First Real Christmas

    Although I am steadily approaching my 74th  birthday, I celebrated my first real Christmas in 1974. It was a time of extreme contrasts in my life. Prior to December of that year I was just about the most miserable woman in the world. To say that things weren’t going very well for me would be a gross understatement. I was an angry, bitter, and nasty woman. I had lost my sense of humor and had become totally self-absorbed. Steeped in self-pity, I considered suicide for the first time in my life.

I can still remember the day I decided not to kill myself. I lay on my bed and stared at the curtains on my window. It was early December and I didn’t have the holiday spirit at all. I just wanted out of my personal hell. My depression was deep and from my viewpoint all looked helpless. Then I remembered something I’d been hearing for the last two years.

            I had a new friend named Terry Myers. Terry was a breath of fresh air to me. She had an unbelievable sense of humor and was a total pleasure to be around. I wanted to know what made her so happy. She said it was her “personal relationship with Jesus.” Although I really didn’t have a clue what that phrase meant, I knew from watching her that she did have something that I needed. She had an understanding of the Bible that I admired and she talked about Jesus like He was her best friend not just a historical figure. She professed a deep love for Him, not a “Sunday only” love but a “24/7” love. She declared that Jesus was not just her savior but also the Lord of her life. He was central in her life.

            By example Terry made me examine my own life. I went to church every Sunday and even taught a Sunday school class. I had begun to read the Bible and was disturbed by what I found there. If I believed what was written in the pages of that book, I was in a very precarious position for I did not meet God’s exceptionally high standard of behavior. I began to understand that I could never measure up without the personal relationship with Jesus that Terry had spoken about.

            So on that December morning I lay on my bed and debated about my options out of my misery. I could kill myself or I could “die to self” and turn my life over to Jesus. Obviously, I did the latter. I sort of expected lightening to flash or some sort of “sign” but that didn’t happen. Instead, I began to understand for the very first time in my life the deep love God had for me and what Christmas was really all about.

            I never knew Jesus existed before Bethlehem. I never knew He came for the express purpose of paying the penalty for my personal sin – I never even knew I was a sinner!  I never knew that He wanted more than the Sundays of my life. I never knew that He longed to give me “the desires of my heart”. I had no concept of the depth of His love for humanity in general and me in particular. But on that December morning, He took my feeble prayer to use my life in whatever way He saw fit and at that moment planted the seed of true love in my heart. He has watered that seed; fertilized and pruned the plant until it has produced for me the sweetest aroma of God’s love in my life.

            Christmas in 1974, I finally “got it”. I got God’s loving gift sent to us in Bethlehem. I received the best friend I’ve ever had. I received forgiveness for sins and strength to live the way He desires. I received a vision and a purpose for my life. Since that time I have discovered that “every day with Jesus is sweeter than the day before.”

So I say Merry Christmas dear family and friends. I love you and so does He!

Friday, June 17, 2022

Childhood Struggles by Jill Krueger Wagner

There is something uniquely troubling regarding childhood struggles. They seem to be Goliath in comparison to our every day David trials. They grab ahold of deep-seated fears of complete vulnerability. They taunt us with the recollection of our former defenselessness, threatening to take us there again. BUT we have a choice. We can focus on the battle the memories bring OR we can “fix our eyes on the author and perfecter of our faith.” Jesus has promised to “never leave us or forsake us.” He is with us in every trial and can vanquish any foe – even the enemy in my head. God’s “strength is made perfect in weakness” So, I will take my feelings of helplessness to the One who will battle for me, for He who conquered death can overcome my anxious thoughts.