By Jill Krueger Wagner
It’s pretty common knowledge that the Bible says the Jews
are God’s Chosen People. The unfortunate thing is that the Jews didn’t
understand that God’s choosing didn’t make them better than others. Instead it
gave them a sacred trust to live a life worthy of the God they served. Living
by the Law set them apart so they might show the rest of the world the
difference that walking with God made. They
weren’t better, the God they served was better than the “gods” of other nations
and His law gave them a better life.
Believing they had a special relationship with God, they
assumed that He would allow them to sin without repercussions. They were wrong.
The watching world saw how they acted and their sin tarnished God’s reputation.
For years God tried to draw them back into a right relationship with Him. He
sent them prophets who warned them of impending judgement. They didn’t take
kindly to that. They persecuted those prophets. They had forgotten that “The
fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.”
Their sins were huge. They served other gods along with the
one true God. A sin He called adultery. They also offered living sacrifices of
their own children to those other gods. Both sins were strictly forbidden in
the Law.
When God’s patience reached its limit, God sent violent,
cruel countries to invade Israel. Many Jews were killed and others were taken
into captivity.
Why am I bringing all of this up? America has also had a
special relationship with God. She was founded by Christians who were fleeing
persecution in other nations. For a good portion of her existence she was
considered a Christian nation – a nation where the Judeo-Christian ethic was
honored. Yet in recent years, that ethic has not been honored but instead,
disdained. She has turned her back on the Bible and has murdered millions of
her own children. Preachers who point this out are ridiculed for being
Can we escape the fate Israel was dealt? Not if God is
faithful to his Word. The injustice of murder taints our land and Jehovah is a
jealous God who won’t share his throne with any other gods.