Yesterday our Sunday school class studied Matthew 11:16-28. In these Scriptures, Jesus was denouncing the Jewish cities for unbelief. He told them it would be better at the final judgment for immoral cities than for them because even though they lived by a moral code, they refused to acknowledge Jesus. We talked about how we as Christians are more closely aligned morally to the Jewish cities and how sometimes we, too, don’t live our lives in full repentance before Jesus.
I then passed out this exercise to be done this Holy Week
because I do believe that sometimes we merrily go on our way thinking that we
are pleasing to the Lord when we are in bondage to sins that don’t please him.
What better time to repent and renounce our sins than the week when Jesus died
to set us free from every habit that enslaves us? I pray you’ll find the
freedom Jesus died to purchase.
Holy Week Exercise
by Jill Krueger Wagner
Take some time during this Holy Week (at the very least
30 minutes) to get alone with God to honor what Jesus did on Good Friday. Read
Matthew 26:57-27:54 to be reminded of what Jesus went through on that day. Thank
Him for His sacrifice.
Ask Him to reveal to you in what area(s) of your life are
still under bondage to Satan. Write the answer here.
Repent from whatever He reveals to you. To repent means
to turn away from whatever is keeping you in bondage. Then ask Him how to gain
victory over what He has revealed. Remember that the enemy comes to “kill,
steal and destroy” but Jesus came so we “might have life and have it more
abundantly.” (I have found one book that
has helped me in this area in “The Bondage Breaker” by Neil Anderson.)
Where are you when this happens? Can you avoid that
When does it happen? Can you preempt the attack in some way?
Is another person tempting you? Can you avoid them?
What will you do to avoid the situation?
What can you do or say to diffuse the situation?
Is there a Scripture you need to memorize to equip you to
If you need support, is there someone that can help you?
Ask them today.
After He has revealed a plan to you for victory, praise
Him with at least one of your favorite songs, hymns or Psalm. Remember “If we
confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us
from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9 “All things work together for good to
those who love God and are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 …”you
will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32
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