From the time I was a little
girl I had a fascination with the Bible yet it wasn’t until I was in my
twenties that I actually ever read it. I’d heard that nobody’s education was
complete without knowledge of the New Testament. So after Ray and Todd came to
live with us I went back to church because, at that time, most moral people
took their children to church to learn right from wrong. Common sense seemed to
dictate that a child who every week got a lesson on morality would be better
prepared to navigate the temptations of the world without being destroyed by
After reading the Word of God I
became aware of just how sinful I was – certain I was headed to Hell because I
learned that God’s standards were impossibly high and my life had gotten pretty
low. This led to my “Jesus moment” when I was deciding between committing
suicide and committing my life to God. Obviously I choose to submit my life to
God and all went well, at first. My hunger for the Bible became insatiable. I
loved reading the Proverbs – so black and white on morality. I also loved the
Psalms – many of David’s woes and his response really spoke to me. But then…
I started reading the New
Testament letters of Paul and I read these words, “Wives submit to your
husbands as unto the Lord.” My immediate response was, “Not this German girl!”
Those of you who are German know that a German submitting so just about anyone
is highly unlikely unless they are holding a gun to your head. We are a
hard-headed, stubborn lot. Add to that the fact that at the time my husband was
not the loving man he is today. We fought pretty regularly and he could be just
as stubborn and unreasonable as I was. He has a little German blood running
through his veins as well.
So I made a decision – I could
just do everything else in the Bible and just ignore that particular
instruction, after all that was written long ago and things were different in
the 1970s.
Funny things started to happen.
When I was disrespectful to Ray little things started to go wrong. When I
insisted on my own way things really fell apart. At first I figured it was just
coincidence – not at all connected but after a while I couldn’t miss the
correlation. I started to wonder if God was trying to tell me something but,
since I still wasn’t about to submit, I just ignored the facts and went about
my not so merry way. Then finally Ray and I had a blow up – I wanted to go
somewhere – he didn’t want me to go. I went. I ended up with a flat tire. Now I
knew a lot of people in my home town but couldn’t get ahold of anyone and I
sure didn’t want to change it myself. So I called Ray who came and changed it.
After that I heard that still
quiet voice that every Christian knows is God say. “Are you ready to obey My
Word or do you want to find out what happens after the flat tire?” I couldn’t
deny that responses to my rebellion were escalating – each response was bigger
than the last. I didn’t want to submit but I also didn’t want to see the next response
from God. So the next time we had a difference of opinion I “submitted data”
but then I submitted. Funny thing happened after that – Ray was less
unreasonable – listened more to my objections offered in a more respectful way.
He even changed his mind on a few things and let me have my way.
Now don’t get me wrong – I am no
doormat – that’s not what God wants or requires but He does insist that wives respect
their husbands (and that husband love their wives like Jesus loves the Church.)
But He is a God of order and he likes things done a certain way – His way. And,
trust me, “your arms are too short to box with God!”
Love this Jill! You have a great writing style and such wisdom to share.