Saturday, December 5, 2020

Our 2020 Christmas Letter


Many of you know that 2020 started off very rough for Ray and me. Ray suffered a stroke on December 23 while we were in Cleveland. That was followed by a week in University Hospital. Then after we got back to Charlotte he went into rehab, followed by months of physical, occupational, and speech therapy. Although the therapists were first rate things looked grim at first. I wondered if I should even attempt to write a Christmas letter this year but God deserves glory for all He did in our trial.

“God wraps grace around us to hold us together during the storms of life. It means that when the wind and waves are beating on our lives from all sides, and we fear we aren’t going to make it through, His grace holds us together; His grace supports us; His grace strengthens us; His grace keeps us secure. It doesn’t stop the waves from coming, but it keeps us from falling apart.” Erin H. Warren from her book “Way Maker.”

As I looked over the entries in my thank you journal I saw how God stepped up for us. He provided financially through my employer. There was no way I could have gone to work and left Ray but I was given paid medical leave.

God provided practical and spiritual support through our church and family and friends – prayers, calls, and cards lifted us up to remind us that we weren’t in this alone. The church supplied the wheelchair we needed. I praise God that our services were online because I needed spiritual food and one sermon in particular was just for me. Pastor said, “Circumstances can’t destroy you when your savior defines you.” Amen Talbot! Our church family also supplied dozens of meals first because of Ray’s stroke then because I broke my foot.

God supplied emotional help, too. On days when I needed to get out of the house, fellow Christians came to sit with Ray. The nurse from BGEA helped me navigate the things I had to do because Ray’s primary care physician didn’t do the job of coordinating his care. Our kids and our son-in-law went above and beyond to help in so many ways. I know I could not have navigated what was required of me without them.

Physically Ray is doing very well now. He does still struggle with some short-term memory loss but honestly who doesn’t at our age?

Although working from home due to COVID was an additional drag, I came to REALLY enjoy working in my PJs and sleeping in later. I actually get much more done without the normal distractions of an office setting.

One very bright spot in our year was celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary. Meredith originally wanted to have a big party but because of COVID that was out of the question so she invited us to her lake house. We carefully traveled to Ohio and she planned a Zoom meeting of many family and friends and fixed us a fantastic meal.

All in all, Ray and I feel that, although not our favorite year, 2020 will go down in the Wagner family history as a year when God helped us, sustained us, and grew us spiritually.

May God bless your Christmas and the New Year.


                                                                                    Ray and Jill