Saturday, December 18, 2021

Rolling in Poop by Jill Krueger Wagner

I love having a dog but one thing that they do is very disturbing. They roll in poop. I learned that wallowing in gross smelling crap is an instinctual thing they do to mask their scent but, gee, it’s just plain gross. It makes them totally unlovable and it is a sure-fire way for them to get one thing they often hate – a bath.

Ironically, I have to admit that once in a while, I wallow in junk. What I roll in isn’t feces but stinky attitudes. My odors of choice are self-pity and anger. I roll around in those things so that I’m certain my Heavenly Owner finds my smell repulsive yet He still loves me. He bathes me in His Word so that I can smell more like Him. He reminds me to be thankful and slow to anger. Eventually I see those base instincts to wallow for what they really are – prisons locking me away from enjoying the life Jesus died to give me. He said, “I came that they may have life and have it more abundantly.” John 10:10

Saint Paul spoke about Christians spreading the fragrance of Christ to the world. That’s what I want, I want to wallow in His love so that I spread a sweet odor to those around me. Lord, show me how to spread Your fragrance and not roll in smelly stuff. Amen